Posted September 10, 2013 at 9:07 pm
I love how I said I would still update bi-weekly with updates about the relaunch and it's been 13 days since last update. So sorry about that! I've been busy with crazy crunch days at work and was so certain I had queued posts until mid September.

So how is the relaunch process going? Well, I'm happy to say that I finished reformating pages up to half of Chapter 2 last weekend. Once I am done with reformating Chapter 2 I will head straight to the last bits and pieces of the Prologue and Chapter 1. Sounds good, eh?

As soon as I get my stationary computer here it will go much faster, but right now I'm just trucking along with my trusty old laptop and my friend Kichisu's old wacom tablet (forever thankful) :)

Here's a watercolor drawing of Rosita to make this post more interesting. :) Been experimenting with traditional mediums a bit lately.


See you in the next WIP-update!