Chapter 2 - 49
Posted June 3, 2016 at 10:00 am

Woop woop, scene change and Frank is reading some Richnews. This is going to be exciting, right? :)

OK, everyone! This is my last KICKSTARTER announcement! The campaign will only be up for an other few hours as I am writing this, so if you want the books, the time is now! :)

Thanks everyone who supported in any way! Without you I wouldn't have made it. It means so much to me that you are reading my comic and spreading my work. It makes the process of making this comic way more fun and less lonely. Lots of kudos and love to you all~

See you on Monday! Wish me luck returning to my day job! Yes, this is the last time I update on a Friday in a while. Going back to the once-a-week schedule again since I'm returning to my day job next week.


