Chapter 2 - 45
Posted May 20, 2016 at 9:29 am

(Again, I'd like to remind you that The Din currently has a new rss-feed. So you need to update your rss-browsers/cliens to this one!)

Oh, look who's not dead and there are smiles and everything. Cool. There are few times I have pages without speech bubbles. I get confused every time because it feels like I forgot to add something!

And yes, my KICKSTARTER is still up and running, and we're soon at 70%! Only two weeks left now. :) Check it out! If you are not able to back, you can always help me spread the word by sharing on facebook or twitter

Speaking of KICKSTARTERS! A fellow Swedish comic artist is running a KICKSTARTER right now. I wrote a blogpost about it the other day. Check it out if you have a moment to spare! :) 

Today's vote incentive is a quite new doodle of Gregg! :)

And an other note: I am a bit behind on replying to e-mails and I have some fan art to post, but I think I will do this once the kickstarter is over. These posts get really long and I really want the fan art to get attention. :)
An other note: If I would happen to miss an update in the next 4 weeks it's because my brother and his wife are expecting a baby anytime now and I will be babysitting their 3yo at their place for a few days while they're away. I have buffered a few pages, but, you know - technology cannot be trusted!

See you on Monday!
