Chapter 2 - 29
Posted March 25, 2016 at 1:01 am

Happy Easter for those who celebrate it! I'm gonna eat a lot of chocolate... Here's a bit older Gregg trying to spread the wings for real. Let's see how this pans out! 

Fun fact, the first version of this page was actually drawn... 2011? Chapter 1-Chapter2 went through so many iterations, it's hard to keep track of what's 100% new anymore. However, the past 4 pages (of Hermann, Samuel and Eva) are 100% new - I had a lot of fun drawing those pages. They were supposed to be appearing again later in Chapter 4, but I figured the longer I'd wait to get back to those characters, it would've been a higher risk of forgetting them as a reader. 

Also, one more ting - I think Cantcomeupwithaname (in the comments section) called that this was going to happen to Gregg's bike back in page 20! That's awesome! Haha!

Next page will be up on Monday already! Wee!

If you got a moment to spare, please vote for The Din over at! <3
