Chapter 1 - 61
Posted July 20, 2015 at 9:39 pm
Someone clearly doesn't know how to cut toe nails.

Joking aside, I am sorry for leaving such a disturbing image on the main page. Unfortunately, I am not happy with the animation on the transition page yet (the one coming after this page, and also the last page of Chapter 1). I always make the transition page long after finishing drawing the chapter, since I want to give it extra thought. So I need to leave this page here for a while until next update. Let me know if it's too disturbing and I'll replace it with a placeholder image. :)

The transition page will be a bit disturbing too, BUT fortunately, I'll post the Chapter 2 cover right after that! Wohoo!

On an other note: I am currently switching servers for The Din, so if you experience down time or the like, it's probably because of that. Thanks for your patience! :)

That's it for this week! Thanks for reading and if you have a minute to spare, please consider voting for The Din over at!