Posted October 26, 2013 at 1:00 am
Here is something really nice I want to show you!
This is a screenshot of the excel sheet I have when I work on the relaunch of the comic and proof reading of Chapter 1 - Chapter 3. This screenshot was taken on october the 1:st which means I have more green fields now!


Green fields means "Done" and yellow fields mean "needs reformat/reink/tweak" and the yellow fields fo the far right are minor tweaks, suggestions and grammar corrections from proof readers. :) Black fields are pages I need to redraw completely.

This means I am basically done with reformating/redrawing everything until mid Chapter 2. Except for tweaks/grammar fixes and the extra few pages I need to redraw for the prologue. Exciting, huh?

For me it's very calming to look at this screenshot because it was basically all black and yellow back in January. So I am really proud of all of the work I did this far. I can't believe Chapter 1 is finished, for example. Never thought I'd be able to pull that off so quickly and with really nice quality to it as well. It's the best drawn chapter this far, in my point of view. :) I estimated Chapter 1 to take more time proportionally to the rest of the sheet. Which it did, but the reason the rest is going slowly is that I started a new day job with lots of overtime unfortunately. But I have been promised normal hours soon...

As you can see, Chapter 3 (the one on the far bottom with lots of yellow and black) still needs tons of reformatting, reinking and redrawing. But as I mentioned earlier I am considering to start the relaunch once I am finished up to Chapter 2 instead. Which means the relaunch will be much sooner than if I have had to truck through all of Chapter 3 as well. Reformatting is not fun, I tell you!

If I relaunch earlier I will probably work on reformatting Chapter 3 simeltaneously while drawing Chapter 4. :) Like reformat 5 pages a week and yet work on new pages.

Enough with the rant! I will let you know what I decided, and when I'll relaunch, as soon as possible. :)
Posted October 23, 2013 at 1:07 am
Some character studies similar to the one I posted of Lorentz a few weeks ago. :)
First one is a bit off, wow! Haha!
But to my defense: I had been working 70 hours that week on my day job. Brain was melting.
Oh, the game developer business is hard on a comic artist's soul! But I really like my day job too.


The group







Posted October 19, 2013 at 1:04 am
Some doodles of these guys, for a change! :) Edmund, Denilou, Lorentz and Fozt!

Still doing OK with the relaunch work. I am considering to relaunch even before Chapter 3 has been reformated, actually. I mean... I really want to post Chapter 1 on weekly or bi-weekly basis which means I already are good for 1 year of pages. Which will give me time to fix all the Chapter 3 pages...

We'll see. Still considering! :) Really want to relaunch as soon as possible! So excited about it!


Posted October 12, 2013 at 1:01 am
Some more water color doodles! Also of older Gregg. Slight spoiler but who is surprised? Of course the guy will fly!


Posted October 9, 2013 at 1:00 am
"I don't understand girls. One day they like air planes and the next day they like worms."

I participated in the 24 h comic day last weekend. Spent the day wisely and drew a spin-off to The Din - specifically to Gregg's half of the story. It's about when his best friend Elsa suddenly starts to avoid him and he tries to figure out why.

I will probably post it here when the relaunch is closing in, so that there is something to read and get you into the story again. :) Looking forward to it!


Posted October 5, 2013 at 10:54 am
Been experimenting a lot with water colors lately. :) Mentioned this earlier, I'm sure. Here are two doodles - one of Sixten and one of Rosita!

This weekend I am attending the 24h comic day! Which means you draw 1 comic page an hour for 24 hours. I haven't decided if I should do something non-The Din related or go with a "one-shot" story related to The Din so that I have something to show until I can realaunch. An other idea was to work 24h on The Din-relaunch related stuff but I don't think that will be very appreciated by the ones I am drawing together with. XD

I will simply have a separate 24h The Din weekend as soon as I have a weekend off again. Probably in November. October is a busy month - every weekend is booked already. Just like September was...
May November weekends be all free for myself and The Din related work! Crossing fingers!


Posted October 3, 2013 at 6:54 pm
Been working on new Cover Art lately. I will show you some sketches of it soon when I'm able to scan it. :) Here's a few sketches of a bit older Gregg in the meantime!



Posted September 25, 2013 at 8:34 pm

Been sketching on various of print ideas for The Din when drawing with friends. :) I want to release prints and a printed version of Chapter 1 to give away as part of the relaunch. More information about that later~
Posted September 15, 2013 at 9:44 pm
Still working on reformating Chapter 2 and slowly moving on towards
drawing/tweaking the prologue again.


Doodles or Lorentz- drawn while packing in August for moving to
the city I currently work.

Do you think it's difficult to ask for feedback? I've found it very
difficult during this journey of making this comic. Esp. the last
two years when I have been remaking so much of it.

Why? Not because I am afraid of what people might think but
because I don't want to be in the way or ask of too much. But
this far people have only been more than happy and honored
to help.

I wonder why some artists, including myself, have this problem?
I don't have this problem at work  at all - just when it comes to my
personal projects. Weird, isn't it?

It's really silly and also a waste of time to keep hesitating
about these things. :) Do you have any thoughts about it?
I have asked a couple of fellow comic artists the same question
and everyone have a different explaination to it.
Really interesting subject!
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